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English translation for "horizontal forging machine"


Related Translations:
forged documents:  伪造的文书单据
mechanical forging:  机械锻造
forge tongs:  锻工钳火钳
rough forging:  粗锻造粗煅
forge plant:  锻造厂
rough forge:  粗锻
forged cheque:  伪支票
forge readily:  易锻的
forged vessel:  锻造容器
hand forging:  手锻手工锻造
Example Sentences:
1.Steel die forgings - tolerances on dimensions - upset forgings made on horizontal forging machines
2.Steel die forgings - tolerances on dimensions - part 2 : upset forging made on horizontal forging machines
3.Steel die forgings - tolerances on dimensions - part 2 : upset forgings made on horizontal forging machines ; german version en 10243 - 2 : 1999
4.Steel die forgings - tolerances on dimensions - part 2 : upset forgings made on horizontal forging machines ; german version en 10243 - 2 : 1999 , corrigenda to din en 10243 - 2 : 2000 - 06 ; german version en 10243 - 2 : 1999 ac : 2005
Similar Words:
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