English translation for "horizontal forging machine"
- 平锻机
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Steel die forgings - tolerances on dimensions - upset forgings made on horizontal forging machines 钢模锻.公差和尺寸.水平锻压机器上的镦锻压 | | 2. | Steel die forgings - tolerances on dimensions - part 2 : upset forging made on horizontal forging machines 钢模锻件.尺寸公差.第2部分:在水平锻造机器上的镦锻 | | 3. | Steel die forgings - tolerances on dimensions - part 2 : upset forgings made on horizontal forging machines ; german version en 10243 - 2 : 1999 钢模锻件.尺寸公差.第2部分:在平锻机上顶锻 | | 4. | Steel die forgings - tolerances on dimensions - part 2 : upset forgings made on horizontal forging machines ; german version en 10243 - 2 : 1999 , corrigenda to din en 10243 - 2 : 2000 - 06 ; german version en 10243 - 2 : 1999 ac : 2005 钢模锻件.尺寸公差.第2部分:在水平锻造机上的顶锻 |
- Similar Words:
- "horizontal foliation" English translation, "horizontal force" English translation, "horizontal force instrument" English translation, "horizontal force of earthquake" English translation, "horizontal forging and upsetting machine" English translation, "horizontal form index" English translation, "horizontal forming shoe" English translation, "horizontal forming shoes" English translation, "horizontal fracture" English translation, "horizontal fracture of maxilla" English translation